A world without preventable chronic diseases, a world of ALIVE, vibrant people living lives centered around optimum health, ethics, sustainability and spirituality.
Our Mission:
To transform the lives of people suffering with chronic diseases and to lead them towards health and vitality using the core principles of E4 (health, ethics, sustainability, and spirituality)
Our Focus:
We are dedicated to sound, alternative, research-based solutions and results for people living with type 2 diabetes. We focus on achieving reductions in type 2 diabetes through lifestyle and diet.
We Provide:
A range of lifestyle programs, educational materials, advanced technology and unparalleled support empowering individuals to take control of their own health and to shift their destiny towards a better future.
We Lead:
We develop and bring together advanced technology, an experienced team and proven scientifically-based methods to deliver these programs in the convenience of a patient’s own home or workspace.
We Partner:
We support medical practitioners, corporations and organizations in battling the nutrition and lifestyle causes of diabetes and related complications. We collaborate and create larger, productive synergies among providers and empowered healthcare consumers.