Food Implementation – First Steps and Video Recipes Part 1
La Diva Dietitian – Marty Davey, R.D.
Introduction and Staying Safe!
Everyone likes to have fun! So, we here at E4 are bringing you our funniest team member, LaDiva Dietitian! She is a gal who eats a no-cholesterol diet that keeps her girl-ish figure. Here’s her video welcoming you to her yummy kitchen.
Staying safe in the kitchen is priority #1! Even if you have been cooking for a while, or even if you don’t plan on cooking much at all, knowing how to chop and cut is essential. And there are safe ways to do it, and other ways that can leave you with cuts on your fingers, or worse!
P.S. When wearing one of her other hats, Marty Davey is currently leading the nutrition and food component of a research study in South Carolina and this video was has some mentions of that…
Some recipes you can try
while still in this analysis phase of initial learning about your body
and blood sugar response to foods…
LaDiva begins her series with a healthy, FAB recipe to start your day, Breakfast Bars. Depending on how you react to fruits, you may want to leave out the dates. Granny smith apples are our FAV fruit to use!
Perfect for those cooler days or rainy afternoons. You may need to leave out the potato, but the flavor of this stew is absolutely satisfying.
Fruit is perfect for dessert, but every once in a while you want something a little more. These little gems take care of that cocoa crave. For those of you who like spicy, LaDiva has a special tip for you!